Saturday, August 11, 2012

RA Sushi Anyone?

So I went to RA Sushi with my sisters today. Even though it rained it felt great to get outside the house.  We went around Happy Hour time . I ordered the California Roll which comes with slices of ginger and wasabi. I must say my Blackberry camera takes some awesome food pics.
I also ordered my favorite Crunchy Calamari Roll. This tastes so delicious! I love eating Calamari so I had to get this.
To finish the meal I tried the Green Tea Ice cream and also a hot Green Tea . I didn't like the Green Tea ice cream maybe because it tastes exactly like Green Tea lol.

My Nutriblast Drink!

So now that I got my Blackberry Bold working I'm able to take more pics! Yay! This morning I made a green smoothie with my Nutribullet. I blogged about green smoothies here. In my Nutriblast drink I put some frozen blueberries, strawberries, pineapples, banana, gogi berries, and spinach. I also added some spirulina, aloe vera juice and a vitamin c pill! Yum!! I usually drink a smoothie during the morning and one in the evening. Ever since I've been drinking my green smoothies I've had more energy, feel good and even lost some weight! Remember your health is your wealth!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Courtship vs Dating

Some people get the two mixed up but courting and dating are completely different from each other.
Courtship [ˈkɔːtʃɪp]
1. the act, period, or art of seeking the love of someone with intent to marry.
Courting was the traditional way of getting to know someone that will lead to marriage. Courting involves group outings and your parents are aware of who you talking to. In a courtship the couple doesn't live together or have late night stay overs. There is no sex. There are boundaries when courting. The couple knows off bat that they want to get married. So there's no guessing of "Is he going to marry?" You already know because in courting that is the purpose of the relationship. In  courtship your heart is protected since you not getting physical. You have sex when you are married. Courting is also God's way! I think courting is more playful and romantic. The man have to really woo the lady to have her heart.
Dating : to be in the early stages of a relationship where they go out on dates to find out what each other is like, as a prelude to actually being a fully fledged couple.
 This is the modern day spin of getting to know someone that can lead to a serious relationship and even marriage. Dating you meet as many people you want until you realize who you are most compatible with. The problem with dating you are not certain if the relationship will lead to marriage. Dating can lead to moving in together, unplanned pregnancy, your heart being broken and Stds. The media makes it seem that this is the ideal way to get to know someone but that is not the case.

Check out this video of Courtship vs Dating from blogger/writer . She really breaks it down nicely. Also check out her blog

Jesus Love You!

Check out this awesome shirt I got! Jesus Love You! Yes! You. An imperfect human being. A person that sins and never seem to get it right. Jesus wants to become the CENTER of your LIFE the very foundation. All you got to do is believe and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. You will become a new person in HIM. You can have everything in the world a dream job, nice car, fancy clothes or go on exotic vacations or trips. But I'm sure after all that there is still an empty feeling or hole. Like something is missing. You're fully not happy. You know who's missing? Jesus. He is the only one that can feel that hole. He will come in and bring love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness(Galatians5:22).
 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16 (KJV)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Beautiful Exchange


This song is just beautiful! Whew God is AMAZING! Holy is GOD's name! Wow!