Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Functions of Fruits & Veggies

I thought this chart was so interesting! When I eat my fruits and vegetables I usually don't think about what it can do for my body "health wise". I just eat my veggies because I know its good and healthy for me. This chart is great because now when I eat bananas I know that it is good for energy and that blueberries is good for the heart. How cool is that!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What is Oil Pulling?

At first when I heard about Oil Pulling I was like "What is that?" The word Oil Pulling might sound like a strange and excruciating thing. Oil Pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic technique for detoxing. Oil pulling really helps with oral hygiene and many other ailments like: Tooth Whitening, Mouth & Gum Disease, Stiff Joints, Allergies, Asthma, High Blood Sugar, Constipation; Migraines, Bronchitis, Eczema and more!
  • All you do is take 2 teaspoon of sesame oil or coconut oil and swish it around your mouth for 15-20 minutes. (Make sure the oil is organic. I bought mine at Whole foods)
  • Do not gargle with the oil. You do not want to risk swallowing it. 
  • Once done swishing, spit the oil out into a trash bag or plastic cup. (Don't spit it out in your toilet or sink it might clog it.)
  •  Finish by brushing your teeth and rinsing with water.
After doing the oil pulling, I notice a couple days later my teeth was whitened and my gums were pink and healthy. I'm all for taking care of your body naturally. You can either oil pull in the morning before you brush your teeth or before you go to bed. Remember I'm not a doctor or dentist so check with your physician first! So if you want a natural way of getting your teeth whitened and also detox your mouth & body. Then try oil pulling ! Check out a video below more about Oil pulling! Let me know if it works!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Key West For The Weekend!

Aah!!! Finally I went on my much needed vacation. Look at me cheesing! Yes that's how happy I was to get a break from work and school. I took a 4 hour road trip this past weekend with my family. Here I'm standing at the southernmost point of Key West. I am literally 90 miles away from Cuba. How cool is that!
These were the travel accesorries I bought with me for this 4hour road trip. Sunglasses, Crackberry Bold, watch, and a new book I started reading "Having A Mary Heart in a Martha World". I also bought my favorite snacks Hot Cheetos and Oreos :)